Submissions open 1 Nov 2023

QFDAM 2024

The inaugural Quantitative Finance and Data Analytics Meeting (QFDAM 2024) is set to take place on May 23-24, 2024, in Paris, France. QFDAM 2024 is co-organized by Africa Business School - UM6P (Morocco), Audencia Business School (France), ESSCA School of Management (France), and Picardie Jules Verne University (France). This collaborative effort brings together renowned institutions to create a platform for researchers, experts, and professionals in the field of quantitative finance and data analytics.

QFDAM is dedicated to advancing research, discussions, and the exchange of expertise in the domains of quantitative finance and data analytics. This premier event aims to foster collaboration and innovation in these rapidly evolving disciplines. The 2024 edition of the conference places a strong emphasis on sustainability, recognizing its critical role in shaping the future of finance and data analytics.

Important dates
Submissions Open
Submissions Deadline
Decision Notification
Early Bird Registration
Registration Deadline
Conference Dates

Publication Opportunities

The QFDAM 2024 conference offers the possibility of publishing high-quality papers in the following Special Issues and Associated Journals:

  • Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (Special Issue)
  • Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (Special Issue)
  • International Journal of Finance & Economics (Supporting Journal - Fast Track)*
  • Journal of Risk Finance (Supporting Journal)**
  • Bankers, Markets & Investors (Supporting Journal)***
  • Finance Research Letters (Supporting Journal)
  • Further information on publication opportunities will be made available shortly.

* The editors of the International Journal of Finance and Economics welcome submissions of high quality papers from the QFDAM 2024 conference to be considered for publication in the journal. Such submissions will undergo the normal review process on a fast track basis.
** The editors of The Journal of Risk Finance welcome submissions of high quality papers from the QFDAM 2024 conference to be considered for publication in the journal. Such submissions will undergo the normal review process.
*** The editors of Bankers, Markets & Investors welcome submissions of high quality papers from the QFDAM 2024 conference to be considered for publication in the journal. Such submissions will undergo the normal review process

Call for Papers

We welcome submissions from academia, industry practitioners, and policymakers. Paper may address (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
  • Asset Pricing, Portfolio Management & Market Dynamics
  • Data Analytics, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence in Finance
  • Financial Modeling and Risk Analysis
  • Monetary Policy & Climate risks
  • Climate-related Financial Risks & Real Economy
  • Risk Management and regulatory compliance
  • Algorithmic Trading, quantitative strategies, and Portfolio Management
  • Blockchain, cryptocurrency & Financial Technology (FinTech) Innovations
  • Real Options & Derivatives Markets
  • Stochastic Dominance Applied to Sustainable Investments
  • Big Data and Financial Decision-Making
  • Ethical and Sustainable Finance
  • Modelling Advances in Climate Scenarios Analysis
  • Energy Finance & Rare-Earth Elements & Commodity Futures Markets
  • Financial Econometrics and time-series analysis
  • Multi-objective Decision-making & Multi-attribute Decision-making
  • War, pandemics & Markets Behavior
  • Computational Economics
  • Forex Markets
  • Volatility Modelling & Forecasts
  • Financial Crisis, Network Modelling& Contagion & Stress Testing
  • Natural Disasters & Financial Modeling


Submission and Registration

Please submit your extended abstract or full paper (in PDF format) via our online submission system by March 1st, 2024.

Please note that you have to enter through your previously set-up personal account. One paper is accepted for one participant with one paid registration fee.

  • Early-bird fees:
       Academics & Non-academic: 340 EUR
       Full-time students: 260 EUR
       Early bird registration will open on April 1, 2024 and close on April 15, 2024.
  • Late (after April 15, 2024):
       Academics & Non-academics: 440 EUR
       Full-time students: 360 EUR


The above registration fees include conference materials, access to the conference sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, and welcome reception.

Our partners
AI for sustainability institute
Jules Verne
Africa Business School